Your work history belongs to you. Contribution history is stored as artifacts on IPFS and will travel with you alongside your wallet.
Approved proposals created on Station are stored on IPFS. This means you'll be able to render proposals on your personal website to showcase your past collaborations and reputation.
Station API is in closed beta. If you're interested in getting the access, please DM us on Twitter to reach us at with a subject "Station API Early Access."
The simple primitive alone gives us a glimpse of many exciting possibilities.
Request funding and support from DAOs autonomously: propose ideas in a few clicks and be paid in native tokens or NFTs. Create an original proposal or submit an idea to an existing project.
Collaborate with your favorite Web3 builders: send a proposal to a fellow creator’s ENS and define the details and outcome of a fruitful collaboration.
Engage with fans and friends: create a channel for fans and friends to propose ways to contribute to your burgeoning community.
Take your contribution history wherever you go: your work history belongs to you. Contribution history is stored as artifacts on IPFS and will travel with you alongside your wallet.
Propose ideas in a few clicks and be paid on time in ETH, native tokens, or NFTs. Create an original proposal or submit an idea to an existing project.
Find the wallet address or Safe address of a DAO you're interested in contributing to
Create a proposal on Select "I'm proposing as a contributor" and paste the address in "Who will be reviewing and approving the work?" field.
Don't know where to start? Start by proposing to one from the list of featured communities.
Outline your ideas and how they help propel the mission of the DAO. Need an inspiration? Browse and grab templates created and curated by us for you.
Define the payment terms, amount, and token. Once all the parties have signed, you'll be able to use this proposal as a reference to hold the DAO accountable for the term they agreed upon.
Copy the link and share the proposal for them to approve and execute the payment according to the agreed-upon term.
Send a proposal to a fellow creator's ENS and define details and outcome of the collaboration.
Create a proposal on Ask your favorite Web3 builder you're interested in collaborating with for their wallet address.
If you're creating a proposal to hire someone, select "I'm proposing as a client" and paste the address of the contributor in "Who'll be delivering the work?"
If you're looking to get paid for your contribution with a fellow web3 builder, select "I'm proposing as a contributor" and paste the address of the client in "Who'll be reviewing and approving the work"?
Outline your ideas and how you'd like to collaborate with them.
Need an inspiration? Browse and grab templates created and curated by us for you.
Define the payment terms, amount, and token. Once all the parties have signed, you'll be able to use this proposal as a reference to hold them accountable for the term they agreed upon.
Copy the link and share the proposal for them to approve and execute the payment according to the agreed-upon term.
Create a channel for fans and friends to propose ways to contribute to your burgeoning community.
Share your ENS and broadcast an opportunity to collaborate with you from co-hosting a dinner party together to finding the next rising designer to take your community's brand to another level.
Find the proposals sent to you in your inbox by connecting your wallet on Station.
Approve proposals that move the needle and start collaborating!
If the fund is requested, go to proposal detail page to pay according to the agreed-upon term.